The Bad Side of Plastic and How to Deal With It

In this era, humans cannot be separated from the name plastic. Plastics are always used in a variety of daily needs, for example for drinks and food, shopping and much more. Plastic is used because it is lightweight, not easily broken, cheap, and easy to get. But many people are not aware of the dangers caused by the use of plastic on the environment, because a lot of the recommended plastic is only for single use. This has a negative impact on the environment. Overuse of plastic will result in pollution of plastic waste.
One factor that causes damage to the environment which until now is a factor in the disposal of plastic waste. Plastic bags have become dangerous and difficult to manage waste. It takes decades or even hundreds of years to make the plastic waste completely biodegradable. But the problem is the negative impact caused by plastic waste which has a huge impact on the environment. Disposal of careless plastic waste will cause siltation of the river and clogged river flow that causes flooding. In addition, the negative impact of plastic waste is the contamination of groundwater and soil, plastic bags will interfere with the absorption of water into the soil, reduce soil fertility, poisons from plastic particles that enter the soil will kill decomposing animals in the soil such as worms and animals - animals can get entangled in plastic waste.
Plastic waste buildup is certainly not allowed. The handling of plastic waste by burying it in the ground is certainly not a good solution considering its nature which is difficult to decompose with nature, especially by burning it where when the combustion process is produced chemicals that are harmful to humans. There are several ways to cope with plastic waste in addition to burying or burning it, namely furokushi and fabrication.
Furokushi is a technique of wrapping and carrying items with a square cloth. The size of Boenthelan varies depending on the size of the item to be wrapped or carried. The wrap technique varies, Boenthelan can also carry items such as books, bottles, etc. With the technique of using boenthelan (the term Java) can avoid the environment from the use of plastic which has many negative impacts on the environment.
The handling of plastic waste by recycling is a good solution, where plastic waste that is processed in addition to minimizing its buildup in the environment can also produce products that have economic value. One method of recycling

plastic waste is the fabrication method. Steps for managing plastic waste are carried out by fabrication methods, cutting, which is the stage of making plastic packaging waste into small packages. Heating and softening, carried out on pieces of plastic packaging waste resulting from the cutting process using a press machine and heart gun. Formation and printing, where the process of formation is done by softening the plastic waste material using a heat transfer and then printing. Machining or machining is the process of forming recycled materials using sophisticated woodworking tools to achieve the desired material. The last stage is the finishing process by doing clear spray coating so that the recycled product looks shiny.
Pollution of plastic waste is very dangerous for the environment. Many efforts to overcome plastic waste have been carried out, this has become very important considering that plastic waste is one of the biggest contributors to environmental damage. We as educated living beings should be able to maintain and preserve the environment for the next generation, hopefully the two ways above can be beneficial for the prevention of plastic pollution to the environment.